HomeCoursesMastering the Art of Programming in Elixir


72h 10min

Mastering the Art of Programming in Elixir
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Gain insights into Elixir's functional programming, explore immutable states, and discover Erlang tools and OTP servers through extensive code practice to strengthen your programming skills.
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Course Overview

Elixir is a pragmatic approach to functional programming with an immutable state. It is built above Erlang so it has access to all Erlang packages, modules, and tools. In this course, you’ll learn everything you need to know to start working with Elixir, including processing the collections, using multiple tools, and OTP servers. Programmers learn by writing code, and that’s exactly how this course will work. You'll practice a lot of coding examples that will help you to have a strong grip on Elixir.
Elixir is a pragmatic approach to functional programming with an immutable state. It is built above Erlang so it has access to a...Show More


Understand the basic concepts of programming in Elixir.
Learn about OTP servers and applications.
Get hands-on experience with multiple processes.
Learn how to use protocols in polymorphic functions.
Understand the basic concepts of programming in Elixir.

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Course Content


Getting Started

4 Lessons

Get familiar with Elixir's advantages, data transformation, and running sessions in IEx.


Pattern Matching

3 Lessons

Unpack the core of Elixir's match operator and lists pattern matching.



3 Lessons

Explore immutability in Elixir for reliable, efficient concurrent programming with immutable data.


Elixir Basics

5 Lessons

Break down complex ideas of data types, operators, scope, and the with expression in Elixir.


Anonymous Functions

5 Lessons

Map out the steps for working with Elixir's anonymous functions, including passing and returning functions.


Modules and Named Functions

7 Lessons

Focus on Elixir modules, named functions, pattern matching, guard clauses, default parameters, private functions, and namespaces.


Lists and Recursion

5 Lessons

Master the steps to utilize Elixir's recursive lists, create map and reduce functions, and handle complex patterns.


Maps, Keyword Lists, Sets, and Structs

7 Lessons

Learn how to use Elixir’s maps, keyword lists, structs, nested dictionaries, and sets effectively.


Processing Collections: Enum and Stream

6 Lessons

Unpack the core of Elixir's Enum, Streams, custom streams, Collectable protocol, and comprehensions.


Strings and Binaries

6 Lessons

Examine string handling, binary manipulation, and pattern matching techniques in Elixir.


Control Flow

5 Lessons

Break down the steps to control flow in Elixir using `if`, `cond`, `case`, and exceptions.



6 Lessons

Follow the process of utilizing Elixir tools for debugging, testing, dependencies, monitoring, and code formatting.


Working with Multiple Processes

7 Lessons

Build on efficient concurrent programming, low-overhead processes, robust management, and parallel task execution in Elixir.


Nodes—The Key to Distributing Services

4 Lessons

Step through distributing services using nodes, naming processes, and handling I/O in Elixir.


OTP: Servers

7 Lessons

Unpack the core of building robust server processes in Elixir using OTP framework.


OTP: Supervisors

4 Lessons

Work your way through Elixir's supervisory system to maintain application stability and reliability.


A More Complex Example

4 Lessons

Apply your skills to manage server processes and handle errors in Elixir applications.


OTP: Applications

4 Lessons

Solve problems in building and deploying robust Elixir OTP applications with Mix and Distillery.


Tasks and Agents

5 Lessons

Follow the process of managing background processes and state using Tasks, Agents, and GenServer.


Linking Modules: Behaviours and use

3 Lessons

Step through linking Elixir modules using behaviours and the `use` macro for enhanced functionality.


Protocols—Polymorphic Functions

9 Lessons

Unpack the core of Elixir protocols, built-in protocols, and their polymorphic applications.


More Cool Stuff

3 Lessons

Work your way through creating custom sigils and multi-application umbrella projects in Elixir.
Certificate of Completion
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