HomeCoursesKanban Fundamentals: Boosting Developer Productivity


1h 30min

Kanban Fundamentals: Boosting Developer Productivity
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Gain insights into Kanban fundamentals, delve into designing Kanban systems, and learn how Kanban can improve Scrum practices to boost developer productivity effectively.
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Course Overview

This course will introduce you to Kanban fundamentals. You will begin by studying the origins of Kanban as a method for designing and improving knowledge work. Later in the course, you will be taught the core practices of Kanban to successfully design a Kanban System at the team level. Then, you will learn how to use Kanban to improve your Scrum practice. At the end of the course, you will be introduced to the process of designing a Kanban system.
This course will introduce you to Kanban fundamentals. You will begin by studying the origins of Kanban as a method for designin...Show More

Course Content


Improving Flow

4 Lessons

Solve challenges with Lean principles, managing queues, and improving flow in development.


Kanban Fundamentals

9 Lessons

Examine Kanban principles, visualization, WIP limits, workflow management, policies, feedback, and improvement strategies.


The Final Note

1 Lessons

Investigate Kanban principles, their advantages over Scrum, and how to implement them.
Certificate of Completion
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