HomeCoursesDiscover Ruby Programming Through Fun Examples



Discover Ruby Programming Through Fun Examples
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Discover Ruby programming through fun examples. Gain insights into basic syntax, methods, file handling, APIs, and develop problem-solving skills with hands-on practice in object-oriented concepts and web test engineering.
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Course Overview

Online tutorials may teach basic Ruby syntax and some programming concepts. But even then, novice programmers can experience considerable difficulty in attempting even the most basic programming exercises. Programming is all about problem solving. This skill can only be honed through practice, which is what this course is all about. In this course, you’ll be printing different shapes, performing various tasks, and implementing small games using basic Ruby syntax and data structure. You’ll cover Ruby metho...Show More
Online tutorials may teach basic Ruby syntax and some programming concepts. But even then, novice programmers can experience con...Show More


Understanding of basic building blocks in Ruby such as variables, data structure, and syntax for controlling program flow
Familiarity with methods and file handling in Ruby
Working knowledge of object-oriented programming, including inheritance and mixin
Ability to write interactive programs in Ruby
Hands-on problem solving experience in Ruby
Understanding of basic building blocks in Ruby such as variables, data structure, and syntax for controlling program flow

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Conditional Statements


Course Content



6 Lessons

Get familiar with Ruby basics, from writing "Hello World!" to understanding error types.


Web Test Automation

4 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of web test automation with Ruby, including Selenium WebDriver and RSpec.


Beyond This Course

1 Lessons

Explore the next steps with advanced Ruby resources, web development, and mobile app creation.


Ruby in a Nutshell

3 Lessons

Follow the process of exploring Ruby fundamentals, object-oriented programming concepts, and file handling techniques.



5 Lessons

Practice using IRB, install Ruby on various OS, and manage Ruby gems efficiently.
Certificate of Completion
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