HomeCoursesJavaScript Promises



JavaScript Promises
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Gain insights into JavaScript Promises to handle asynchronous events, chain multiple promises, utilize built-in methods, and master async functions with await expressions for efficient event handling.
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Course Overview

Promises are used to deal with event handling and callbacks in asynchronous programming in JavaScript, such as clicks and key presses. Promises allow developers to specify a function to execute at some later point in response to certain events. Promises may also indicate whether a certain code succeeded or failed in performing its assigned job. In this course, you will learn how to chain different promises, which makes the code easier to understand and debug. Next, you’ll learn built-in methods to monitor ...Show More
Promises are used to deal with event handling and callbacks in asynchronous programming in JavaScript, such as clicks and key pr...Show More


An in-depth understanding of JavaScript promises
An understanding of the asynchronous programming in JavaScript
Hands-on experience creating settled and unsettled promises
A working knowledge of chaining promises
Familiarity with monitoring and responding to promises executing in parallel
The ability to track unhandled rejections
An in-depth understanding of JavaScript promises

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Course Content



2 Lessons

Get familiar with JavaScript promises, enhancing asynchronous programming and improving code clarity.


Basics of Promises

8 Lessons

Unpack the core of JavaScript promises, their states, handlers, and construction methods.


Tracking Down the Unhandled Rejections

5 Lessons

Focus on tracking and managing unhandled promise rejections across JavaScript environments.



1 Lessons

Build on key concepts of JavaScript promises, async/await, and error handling.
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