HomeCoursesLearn Data Science with Bash Shell



Learn Data Science with Bash Shell
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Gain insights into data processing using Bash, sed, awk, and RegEx. Explore sorting, searching, replacing, and optimizing data tasks interactively with animated videos, projects, quizzes, and tasks.
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Course Overview

2500+ students have taken this innovative project-based data learning course (includes video lectures). It demonstrates the use of Bash shell (Bash, sed and awk including RegEx) in processing textual data. It can help to learn to sort, search, match, replace, clean and optimize various aspects of data with Bash Shell. The target audience (students, researchers, scientists, journalists, data miners, developers) didn't have to go through any tough learning curve. This course also should have helped RedHat, Su...Show More
2500+ students have taken this innovative project-based data learning course (includes video lectures). It demonstrates the use ...Show More

Course Content


Course Introduction

2 Lessons

Get familiar with using Bash for efficient data manipulation and foundational scripting skills.


Project 4: Shakespearean-era plays and poems data mining

5 Lessons

Solve problems in analyzing Shakespearean texts using advanced Bash commands and data mining techniques.


REGEX Tutorials

7 Lessons

Analyze regex fundamentals, BRE and ERE syntax, character classes, lookarounds, atomic groups, and Bash regex usage.


AWK Tutorials

4 Lessons

Get familiar with AWK's text processing capabilities, variables, functions, and practical examples.


SED, GREP and Find Tutorials

6 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of powerful text-processing and search tools: SED, GREP, and Find.


Beyond the Text Files! Enter into the Big Data Landscape - Concepts

10 Lessons

Examine key technologies in Hadoop's Big Data landscape, including HDFS, MapReduce, YARN, and more.



1 Lessons

Enhance your skills in data science tools, practical applications, and further learning resources.
Certificate of Completion
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