HomeCoursesLearn REST and SOAP API Test Automation in Java



Learn REST and SOAP API Test Automation in Java
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Gain insights into performing REST and SOAP API test automation, writing API and integration tests from scratch, and preparing for test automation interviews with a downloadable framework.
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Course Overview

In software development, microservices and APIs are used for writing business logic. API testing has become an important component in the testing cycle, as it can be used to test the functionality, integration flows, load and performance. In this course, you will learn how to perform REST and SOAP API test automation. This course covers all the required details for you to start writing API and integration tests from scratch. It will also prepare you for test automation interviews. As part of the course, y...Show More
In software development, microservices and APIs are used for writing business logic. API testing has become an important compone...Show More

Course Content


About API and WebServices

4 Lessons

Get familiar with API test automation, client-server architecture, and web services principles.


Introduction to REST API

3 Lessons

Explore REST API fundamentals, architecture principles, and their practical applications.


Introduction to SOAP API

3 Lessons

Take a look at SOAP's structure, messaging, WSDL, and preliminary SOAP API automation strategies.


Integration Test

3 Lessons

Master the steps to performing integration tests for REST and SOAP-based API automation.


Allure Reporting

3 Lessons

Learn how to use Allure for enhanced test reporting, integration, and annotation in API tests.


Manual Testing: REST and SOAP API

2 Lessons

Get started with manual testing of REST and SOAP APIs using Postman and SoapUI.


Bonus: API Test Automation Framework

4 Lessons

Break apart the modular frameworks for REST and SOAP API test automation.



2 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of open-source API automation tools and their application benefits.
Certificate of Completion
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Evaluate and debug your code with the click of a button. Get real-time feedback on test cases, including time and space complexity of your solutions.

AI-Powered Mock Interviews

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