HomeCoursesPython Data Analysis and Visualization


2h 30min

Python Data Analysis and Visualization
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Delve into Python data analysis and visualization using NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, and Seaborn. Gain insights into reading, cleaning, and visualizing data to generate actionable insights.
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Course Overview

This course assumes no prior experience and can teach anyone how to use Python to analyze and visualize data. Stop using Excel and start harnessing the power of Python. Data analysis is one of the hottest careers of the 21st century. As an analyst, your goal is to peel back layers of data in order to answer questions of interest; that is the power of analytics. It allows you to take raw data and create meaningful, actionable insights. In this course, you’ll learn how to use Python, NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, a...Show More
This course assumes no prior experience and can teach anyone how to use Python to analyze and visualize data. Stop using Excel a...Show More

Course Content


What is Analytics

2 Lessons

Get familiar with transforming raw data into actionable insights using Python.


Python Basics for Analytics

7 Lessons

Walk through Python basics, key data structures, control flow, Numpy, and Scipy usage.


Reading Data

5 Lessons

Examine reading data from CSV, JSON, raw files, and using Pandas for dataset analysis.


Describing Data

4 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of data analysis and reshaping in Python using Pandas.


Cleaning Data

6 Lessons

Take a closer look at handling missing data, outliers, scaling, and encoding categorical data.
Certificate of Completion
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