HomeCoursesBuilding Full Stack Applications with GraphQL



Building Full Stack Applications with GraphQL
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Gain insights into building full stack apps with GraphQL. Learn back-end setup, front-end integration with React, Apollo Client, and advanced GraphQL features, including caching and testing.
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Course Overview

GraphQL is a rapidly growing data query and manipulation language for web APIs. A strong grasp of GraphQL is essential for any software engineer who is developing applications on the modern web. This course is a comprehensive introduction to building full-stack web applications using GraphQL. You’ll start by implementing a back end and exploring GraphQL’s unique approach to API implementation. After setting up your database, you’ll build a front-end application using React. The application will pass GraphQ...Show More
GraphQL is a rapidly growing data query and manipulation language for web APIs. A strong grasp of GraphQL is essential for any s...Show More


Understand the benefits of GraphQL and when to use it
Learn how to work with data in GraphQL and how to define GraphQL schema
Learn how to create a React application that uses GraphQL as a back end
Learn how to build authentication and authorization for a GraphQL application
Learn patterns such as caching, DataLoader, and more to implement efficient GraphQL applications
Understand the benefits of GraphQL and when to use it

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Course Content


Getting Started with GraphQL

5 Lessons

Get familiar with GraphQL, sending basic and advanced queries, and the course project.



2 Lessons

Start, troubleshoot the demo application for running and fixing common issues effectively.
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