HomeCoursesDeveloping Microservices with Quarkus



Developing Microservices with Quarkus
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Gain insights into Quarkus, a modern Java framework. Learn about creating and configuring applications, REST endpoints, WebSockets, GraphQL, fault tolerance, and database connections for robust microservices.
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Course Overview

Quarkus is a modern Java framework that simplifies the creation of web applications. With the help of Quarkus, you can create modern applications and deploy them easily on the cloud. You’ll begin the course with an introduction to Quarkus and the different features that make it a great Java framework. Next, you’ll explore the basics of Quarkus, such as creating and configuring an application, adding plugins, and testing your code. You’ll learn how to build modern web applications using Quarkus by creating ...Show More
Quarkus is a modern Java framework that simplifies the creation of web applications. With the help of Quarkus, you can create mo...Show More


Familiarity with core components of the Quarkus framework
Hands-on experience to create and configure a Quarkus application
Ability to develop a web application using Quarkus and its various extensions
Practical knowledge to connect a Quarkus application to different kinds of databases
Familiarity with core components of the Quarkus framework

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Course Content


Introduction to Quarkus

4 Lessons

Get familiar with Quarkus, a modern Java framework enhancing cloud-native app development with native support, live coding, and Kubernetes integration.


Quarkus Web

10 Lessons

Work your way through creating REST endpoints, validation, API documentation, WebSockets, GraphQL, and fault tolerance in Quarkus.


Quarkus Data

8 Lessons

Enhance your skills in integrating databases with Quarkus using Hibernate, Panache, MongoDB, and reactive programming.



1 Lessons

Deepen your knowledge of Quarkus’s versatility and potential for efficient Java applications.



1 Lessons

Tackle using Quarkus developer tools for streamlined app development and deployment.
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