HomeCoursesMicroservice Architecture: Practical Implementation



Microservice Architecture: Practical Implementation

Gain insights into real-world microservice implementation, exploring tech stacks, Kafka, Docker, Kubernetes, and more. Learn about synchronous and asynchronous integrations with hands-on coding demonstrations.
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Microservices are one of the most important software architecture trends, but it’s one thing to define an architecture and quite another to implement it. This course focuses on the nitty-gritty details of real-world implementation. You’ll learn recipes for tech stacks that can be used to implement microservices, as well as the pros and cons of each. You’ll start by exploring some fundamental concepts for implementing microservices. Within each concept, you’ll learn about the different technologies used ...Show More
Microservices are one of the most important software architecture trends, but it’s one thing to define an architecture and quite...Show More




2 Lessons

Step through microservice technologies, integration concepts, and practical implementation examples.


Self-contained Systems

7 Lessons

Unpack the core of self-contained systems, their benefits, challenges, and microservice integration.


Concept: Frontend Integration

9 Lessons

Work your way through the nuances of integrating microservices with web frontends, striking a balance between monolithic and modular designs.


Recipe: Links and Client-side Integration

8 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of frontend integration using links and microservices in web applications.


Recipe: Server-side Integration using Edge Side Includes (ESI)

7 Lessons

Map out the steps for integrating web applications using Edge Side Includes (ESI).


Concept: Asynchronous Microservices

10 Lessons

Investigate asynchronous microservices to enhance flexibility, resilience, and decoupling in systems.


Recipe: Asynchronous Communication with Atom and REST

7 Lessons

Try out asynchronous communication in microservices using Atom, HTTP, and REST.


Concept: Synchronous Microservices

6 Lessons

Unpack the core of synchronous microservices, their integration, benefits, and accompanying challenges.


Recipe: REST with the Netflix Stack

10 Lessons

Examine the Netflix stack for scalable microservices with service discovery, resilience, load balancing, and routing.


Recipe: REST with Consul and Apache httpd

10 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of integrating Consul for service discovery with Apache httpd for routing.


Concept: Microservices Platforms

4 Lessons

Take a closer look at microservices platforms, their operational benefits, and associated complexities.


Recipe: Docker Containers with Kubernetes

7 Lessons

Implement Kubernetes for flexible container management, service discovery, load balancing, and resilience.


Recipe: PaaS with Cloud Foundry

7 Lessons

Practice using Cloud Foundry for scalable microservices deployment and efficient operational management.



5 Lessons

Learn how to use tools like Git, JDK, Maven, Docker, and Docker Compose.
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