HomeCoursesThe Complete Guide to Flutter



The Complete Guide to Flutter
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Gain insights into using Flutter and Dart to build visually stunning, high-performance Android and iOS apps. Delve into UI/UX design, networking, state management, Firebase, testing, and deployment.
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Table of Contents
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Course Overview

Get ready to unlock the potential of Flutter and Dart as you learn to craft visually stunning and high-performance applications for both Android and iOS. This course will teach you to plan, build, and deploy interactive Flutter applications. You’ll start by developing user interfaces and handling gestures. Next, you’ll explore navigation and routing to smoothly move around your app. You’ll then dive into networking and HTTP to connect your app to the internet and implement data persistence. You’ll use Fire...Show More
Get ready to unlock the potential of Flutter and Dart as you learn to craft visually stunning and high-performance applications ...Show More


Hands-on experience building interactive and responsive user interfaces with Flutter and deploying Flutter applications in the app marketplaces
Working knowledge of state management in Flutter by implementing it for scalable applications
Familiarity with quality assurance strategies like testing, analytics, and monitoring
An understanding of data persistence concepts and their implementation in Flutter apps
Hands-on experience building interactive and responsive user interfaces with Flutter and deploying Flutter applications in the app marketplaces

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Course Content



1 Lessons

Step through fundamentals of creating production-ready Flutter apps, managing data, and deployment.


Navigation and Routing

6 Lessons

Work your way through Flutter's navigation concepts, styles, and practical routing challenges.


Persisting Data

7 Lessons

Dig deeper into data persistence techniques in Flutter using shared_preferences, file storage, SQLite, and the Hive library.


Firebase for Flutter

6 Lessons

Master the steps to integrating Firebase with Flutter, covering setup, authentication, and Firestore operations.


Accessibility and Internalization

5 Lessons

Walk through accessibility and internationalization to enhance app inclusivity and localization.



4 Lessons

Go hands-on with setting up accounts, integrating CI/CD, and deploying apps via Codemagic.


Next Steps

1 Lessons

Apply your skills to real-world projects, advanced courses, and maintaining a strong portfolio.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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