HomeCoursesData Engineering Foundations in Python



Data Engineering Foundations in Python
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Gain insights into data engineering foundations, explore data life cycle stages, and delve into creating data pipelines using Python, Kafka, PySpark, Airflow, and dbt.
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Course Overview

Data engineering is currently one of the most in-demand fields in data and technology. It intersects software engineering, DataOps, data architecture, data management, and security. Data engineers, such as analysts and data scientists, lay the foundation to serve data for consumers. In this course, you will learn the foundation of data engineering, covering different parts of the entire data life cycle: data warehouse, ingestion, transformation, orchestration, etc. You will also gain hands-on experience b...Show More
Data engineering is currently one of the most in-demand fields in data and technology. It intersects software engineering, DataO...Show More


An understanding of the data engineering life cycle
Familiarity with the cloud data warehouse and data modeling techniques
Hands-on experience with data engineering tools such as GCP, Airflow, Spark, and dbt
The ability to build data pipelines from scratch in Python
An understanding of the data engineering life cycle

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Course Content


Getting Started

1 Lessons

Get familiar with essential data engineering skills, including cloud architectures and pipeline orchestration.


Data Team Structure

3 Lessons

Get started with the essentials of data team roles and effective team structures.


Data Engineering Life Cycle

5 Lessons

Master the steps to implement and manage data engineering life cycle stages using Google Cloud.


Cloud Data Architecture

6 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of cloud data evolution, service models, architectures, and best practices for efficiency and security.


Data Quality

4 Lessons

Solve problems in measuring and maintaining data quality with schema validation and testing.



1 Lessons

Look at the fundamentals of data engineering, future paths, and mastering essential tools.



1 Lessons

Explore additional GCP resources and billing management for efficient cloud utilization.
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