HomeCoursesWeb Development with MVC Architecture and E-commerce in Laravel



Web Development with MVC Architecture and E-commerce in Laravel
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Gain insights into MVC architecture, delve into CRUD operations, and learn about advanced web security in Laravel. Master building powerful, secure web applications with this hands-on approach.
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Course Overview

PHP is the backbone of numerous websites and applications, making it an essential language for anyone aspiring to be a proficient web developer. The course follows a hands-on approach to guide you through the essentials, starting with an introduction to the MVC design pattern, a fundamental concept in web development. In this course, you’ll learn the ins and outs of CRUD operations—Create, Read, Update, and Delete—as you navigate Laravel’s user-friendly framework. The course doesn’t just stop at basic ope...Show More
PHP is the backbone of numerous websites and applications, making it an essential language for anyone aspiring to be a proficien...Show More


The ability to build front-end interfaces using the Blade templating engine for a seamless user experience
An understanding of database migrations and managing the process of versioning the database schema
An understanding of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern in Laravel
Working knowledge of securing web applications with Laravel and mastering defenses against attacks
Hands-on experience integrating payment gateways to facilitate smooth and secure online transactions
Hands-on implementation of advanced features like search functionality, checkout, and product payments
The ability to build front-end interfaces using the Blade templating engine for a seamless user experience

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Course Content


Introduction to Course

3 Lessons

Get familiar with Laravel's core concepts, MVC design pattern, and Artisan commands.


Introduction to Database Migrations in Laravel

2 Lessons

Look at database changes management with Laravel migrations and Artisan CLI commands.


Introduction to Laravel Routes

3 Lessons

Go hands-on with Laravel route management, clean URLs, RESTful APIs, and dynamic parameters.


Introduction to Laravel Views, Controllers, and Models

4 Lessons

Find out about Laravel's Views, Controllers, and Models integration within the MVC framework.


Handling File Uploads with Laravel

3 Lessons

Master the steps to handle, validate, and manage file uploads using Laravel.


Downloading Files with Laravel

2 Lessons

Step through dynamic file downloads and access control using Laravel's robust features.


Integrating Payment Gateways

6 Lessons

Get started with integrating Stripe for efficient and secure online transactions in Laravel.


E-commerce Website

5 Lessons

Go hands-on with implementing essential e-commerce features, product management, ratings, cart, checkout, and search in Laravel.



3 Lessons

Enhance your skills in building robust Laravel e-commerce sites with cart and payment integrations.



1 Lessons

Take a closer look at installing Laravel and Composer dependencies efficiently for web projects.
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