

Differences Between Iterative and Recursive Functions

Differences Between Iterative and Recursive Functions

In this lesson, we will highlight the key differences between Iterative and Recursive functions.

We'll cover the following...

Iterative Vs. Recursive

Both recursion and iteration are used for executing some instructions repeatedly until some condition is satisfied.

So where does the difference actually lie between Iteration and Recursion? Let’s discuss a few factors that differentiate them from each other in this lesson.




Recursion refers to a situation where a function calls itself again and again until some base condition is not reached.

Iteration refers to a situation where some statements are executed again and again using loops until some condition is satisfied.


Recursion is always called on a function, therefore it is called a process.

Iterative code is applied on variables and is a set of instructions that are called upon repeatedly.

Program Termination

Recursive code terminates due to the base case condition being satisfied.

Iterative code either runs for a particular number of loops or until a specified condition is met.

Code Size

Recursive code is smaller and neater in length.

Iterative code is usually extensive and cluttered.

Overhead Time

Recursive code has an overhead time for each recursive call it makes.

Iterative code has no overhead time.


Recursive code is slower than iterative code as it not only runs the program but also has to invoke stack memory.

Iterative code has a relatively faster runtime speed.

Stack Utilization

Recursion uses the stack to store the variable changes for each recursive call. The stack is used to store the set of new local variables and parameters each time the function is called.

Iterative code does not use the stack.

In the next lesson, we will learn how to convert iterative code to recursive code.

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Overview of Iterative Functions

Converting Iterative Code to Recursive Code

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