

Solution Review: Sum of Digits in a String

Solution Review: Sum of Digits in a String

This review provides a detailed analysis of the solution to find the sum of digits in a string

We'll cover the following...

Solution: Using Recursion

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def sumDigits(testVariable):
# Base Case
if testVariable == "":
return 0
# Recursive Case
return int(testVariable[0]) + sumDigits(testVariable[1:])
# Driver Code


The solution to this problem is similar to the solution of finding the length of a string.

In this case, we, remove the first element of the string and call another instance of the same function. However, the first element of the string is converted to an integer type and when the child function returns its value, this converted integer is added to the result.

The base case remains the same, i.e., if the string is empty return 00.

Let’s have a look at the illustration:

Let’s try another challenge in the next lesson.

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Challenge 2: Sum of Digits in a String

Challenge 3: Check Palindrome

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