

Challenge 1: Length of a Linked List

Challenge 1: Length of a Linked List

Find the length of the given linked list.

Problem Statement

Implement a function that takes a linked list testVariable and returns the length of the linked list.


  1. A variable testVariable containing the linked list whose length needs to be calculated.
  2. The head node of the linked list head.


Length of the input linked list

Sample Input

testVariable => 3 -> 4 -> 7 -> 11 -> None
head => 3

Sample Output


Try it Yourself

Try to attempt this challenge by yourself before moving on to the solution. Good luck!

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import linkedList as l
def length(testVariable, head) :
# Write your code here
return None

In the next lesson, we have a solution review of this problem.

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Depth First Traversal of Graph

Solution Review: Length of a Linked List

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