Solution Review: Sort an Array
This review provides a detailed analysis of the solution to sort an array.
We'll cover the following...
Solution: Using Recursion
The following solution sorts the array recursively. It is commonly known as Bubble sort algorithm
def sort(testVariable, length):# Base caseif length <= 1 :return# Recursive case# Sort first n-1 elementssort(testVariable, length - 1)# Insert last element at its correct position in sorted arraylastElement = testVariable[length - 1] # fetch the last elementtemp = length - 2 # start finding its correct location from one element before it# Move elements of testVariable[0..i-1], that are greater than key, to one position ahead of their current positionwhile (temp >= 0 and testVariable[temp] > lastElement):testVariable[temp + 1] = testVariable[temp]temp = temp - 1testVariable[temp + 1] = lastElement # place the element in its correct position# Driver CodetestVariable = [5, 4, 2, 3, 1]print("Original Array ---> " + str(testVariable))sort(testVariable, len(testVariable))print("Modified Array ---> " + str(testVariable))
In the code snippet above, we reduce the length
of the input array testVariable
in each recursive call. When the length
reaches , we return
because array of size is always sorted. This is also our base case. Now when the child recursive call returns, we fit the last element reached in its correct position.
Note, that we are traversing the array from the right side to left side. This means that the last element in our case is actually the first element
After the child recursive function returns we insert the last element at its correct position in the sorted array.
Let’s have a look at the sequence of function calls:
In the next lesson, we have a small quiz for you to test your understanding of recursion with arrays.
Challenge 3: Sort an Array
Test Your Knowledge 5