Solution Review: Balance Parenthesis
This review provides a detailed analysis of the solution to determine whether an array contains balanced parenthesis or not.
We'll cover the following...
Solution: Using Recursion
def balanced(testVariable, startIndex = 0, currentIndex = 0) :# Base case1 and 2if startIndex == len(testVariable) :return currentIndex == 0# Base case3if currentIndex < 0 : # A closing bracket did not find its corresponding opening bracketreturn False# Recursive case1if testVariable[startIndex] == "(" :return balanced(testVariable, startIndex + 1, currentIndex + 1)# Recursive case2elif testVariable[startIndex] == ")" :return balanced(testVariable, startIndex + 1, currentIndex - 1)# Driver CodetestVariable = ["(", "(", ")", ")", "(", ")"]print(balanced(testVariable))
Our task is to read an array of parentheses from left to right and decide whether the symbols are balanced.
To solve this problem notice that the most recent opening parenthesis must match the next closing parenthesis. Also, the first opening bracket processed may have to wait until the very last bracket for its match.
Closing brackets match opening brackets in the reverse order of their appearance, i.e., they match from the inside out. This is a clue that recursion can be used to solve this problem.
Let’s discuss the code snippet above.
The two variables: startIndex
and currentIndex
are particularly important to note. startIndex
traverses the whole array. In each recursive call it moves on to the next element in the array. It also checks whether we have reached the end of the array or not.
The currentIndex
takes care whether each opening bracket has a corresponding closing bracket or not. It is decreased by if we encounter a closing bracket and increased by if we encounter an opening bracket. If the currentIndex
does not reach at the end of the traversal, we return False
Conditions of the array:
Our array can satisfy 5 conditions:
andcurrentIndex == 0
- In this situation the
has successfully traversed the whole array and thecurrentIndex
has matched every starting bracket to a closing bracket and is, therefore, pointing at index . We can returnTrue
for this situation.
- In this situation the
andcurrentIndex != 0
- In this situation the
has traversed the whole array but thecurrentIndex
has not found a matching closing bracket for a starting bracket. We can returnFalse
for this situation.
- In this situation the
currentIndex < 0
- In this situation, while traversing the array we encountered no opening bracket for a closing bracket. Remember we stated above that closing brackets match opening brackets in the reverse order of their appearance. Therefore, in this situation return
- In this situation, while traversing the array we encountered no opening bracket for a closing bracket. Remember we stated above that closing brackets match opening brackets in the reverse order of their appearance. Therefore, in this situation return
These conditions will be our base cases.
testVariable[startIndex] == "("
- An opening bracket is found so increase both the
and call functionbalanced(testVariable, startIndex + 1, currentIndex + 1)
- An opening bracket is found so increase both the
testVariable[startIndex] == ")"
- A closing bracket is found so increase
but decreasecurrentIndex
and call functionbalanced(testVariable, startIndex + 1, currentIndex - 1)
- A closing bracket is found so increase
Conditions and will be our recursive cases.
Let’s have a look at an example:
In the next lesson, we have another challenge for you to solve.
Challenge 2: Balance Parenthesis
Challenge 3: Sort an Array