Depth First Traversal of Graph
In this lesson, we will learn about depth first traversal of graph using recursion.
We'll cover the following...
What is a Graph?
Graphs represent pairwise relationships between objects. Graphs are mathematical structures
and therefore can be visualized by using two basic components, nodes
and edges
A node, also known as a vertex, is a fundamental part of a graph. It is the entity that has a name, known as the key
, and other information related to that entity. A relationship between nodes is expressed using edges. An edge between two nodes expresses a one-way or two-way relationship between the nodes.
Graphs can be represented as Adjacency Matrix or Adjacency List. We will be using adjacency list representation for this course. If you want to study graphs in detail have a look at our Interview Refresher Course on Data Structures in Python.
The diagram below shows an example graph. It had nodes and edges.
What does “Depth First Traversal of Graph” Mean?
The depth-first graph traversal involves visiting all nodes of the graph once depth-wise.
Starting from any node, we keep moving to an adjacent node until we reach the farthest level (deepest node). Then we move back to the starting point and pick another adjacent node. Once again, we probe to the farthest level and move back. This process continues until all nodes are visited.
Let’s have a look at the visual representation of the depth first algorithm:
import graph as gdef helperFunction(myGraph, currentNode, visited) :# Mark the currentNode as visited and print itif(visited[currentNode] == False) :visited[currentNode] = Trueprint(currentNode)# Recur for all the vertices adjacent to currentNodefor i in myGraph.graph[currentNode]:if visited[i] == False:helperFunction(myGraph, i, visited)def DFS(myGraph):visited = [False]*(myGraph.vertices) # Initially all vertices are marked as unvisitedhelperFunction(myGraph, 0, visited) # Call helper function starting from node 0# Driver code# Create a graph given in the above diagrammyGraph = g.Graph(6)myGraph.addEdge(0, 1)myGraph.addEdge(1, 2)myGraph.addEdge(1, 3)myGraph.addEdge(2, 4)myGraph.addEdge(3, 4)myGraph.addEdge(3, 5)print("DFS Graph Traversal")DFS(myGraph)
In the recursive implementation of Depth-First Traversal, we traverse as far as possible from each branch, backtracking when the last node of that branch has been visited.
In the above code, all the initializations take place in the main DFS()
function. However, the important part of the code is the helperFunction()
where recursion takes place.
The algorithm for the helper function is:
helperFunction(vertex u)
if u has is not visited :
# mark u as visited
for each adjacent vertex v :
Notice, that the recursive case is easily detectable in the code. However, what will be the base case for this code?
Now, it’s your turn to try solving some problems.
Reverse Linked List
Challenge 1: Length of a Linked List