

Choosing a Centralized Logging Solution

Choosing a Centralized Logging Solution

In this lesson, we will see which solution to choose as a centralized logging solution.

Database for logs #

The first thing we need to do is to find a place where we’ll store logs. Given that we want to have the ability to filter log entries, storing them in files should be discarded from the start. What we need is a database, of sorts. It is more important that it is fast than transactional, so we are most likely looking into a solution that is an in-memory database. But, before we take a look at the choices, we should discuss the location of our database. Should we run it inside our cluster, or should we use a service? Instead of making that decision right away, we’ll explore both options, before we make a choice.

Logging-as-a-service solutions #

There are two major groups of logging-as-a-service types. If we are running our cluster with one of the Cloud providers, an obvious choice might be to use a logging solution they provide. EKS has AWS CloudWatch, GKE has GCP Stackdriver, and ...