Installing And Setting up Grafana
This lesson focuses on the Installation and setting up part of Grafana.
Install and set-up Grafana
You probably know what’s coming next. We Google “Grafana Helm” and hope that the community already created a Chart we can use. I’ll save you from the search by revealing that there is Grafana
in Helm’s stable channel. All we have to do is inspect the values and choose which ones we’ll use.
helm inspect values stable/grafana
I won’t go through all the values we could use. I assume that, by now, you are a Helm ninja and that you can explore them yourself. Instead, we’ll use the values I already defined.
cat mon/grafana-values-bare.yml
The output is as follows.
enabled: true
enabled: true
- ReadWriteOnce
size: 1Gi
cpu: 20m
memory: 50Mi
cpu: 5m
memory: 25Mi
There’s nothing special about those values. We enabled Ingress, we set persistence
, and we defined the resources
. As the name of the file indicates, it’s a very bare setup without anything fluffy.
All that’s left is to install the Chart.
helm install grafana \
stable/grafana \
--namespace metrics \
--version 4.1.3 \
--set ingress.hosts="{$GRAFANA_ADDR}" \
--values mon/grafana-values-bare.yml
kubectl -n metrics \
rollout status deployment grafana
Now we can open Grafana
in your favorite browser.
open "http://$GRAFANA_ADDR"
Login into Grafana
You are presented with the login screen. Just as with many other Helm Charts, the installation comes with the admin
user and the password stored as a Secret.
kubectl -n metrics \
get secret grafana \
-o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" \
| base64 --decode; echo
Please go back to the Grafana
login screen, type admin as the username, and paste the output of the previous command as the password.
Set Prometheus
as a data source #
does not collect metrics. Instead, it uses other sources of data, so our first action is to set Prometheus
as the data source.
Please click the Add data source icon and click the Select button inside Prometheus.
Type Prometheus
as the Name. We’ll let Grafana
connect to it through the Kubernetes Service prometheus-server
. Since both are in the same Namespace, the URL should be set to http://prometheus-server
. All that’s left is to Save & Test.
🔍 The outputs and screenshots in this chapter are taken from Docker For Desktop. There might be slight differences between what you see here and what you can observe on your screen.