Seeing Red Alerts in Action

This lesson will create a red alert and define the rules to forward alerts.

Creating a red alert #

Seeing inactive alerts is boring, so I want to show you one that fires (becomes red). To do that, we can add more nodes to the cluster (unless you’re using a single node cluster like Docker For Desktop and minikube). However, it would be easier to modify the expression of one of the alerts, so that’s what we’ll do next.

diff mon/prom-values-nodes.yml \

The output is as follows.

< expr: count(kube_node_info) > 3
< for: 15m
> expr: count(kube_node_info) > 0
> for: 1m
< for: 15m
> for: 1m

The new definition changed the condition of the TooManyNodes alert to fire if there are more than zero nodes. We also changed the for statement so that we do not need to wait for 15 minutes before the alert fires.

Let’s upgrade the Chart one more time.

helm upgrade prometheus \
  stable/prometheus \
  --namespace metrics \
  --version 9.5.2 \
  --set server.ingress.hosts={$PROM_ADDR} \
  --set alertmanager.ingress.hosts={$AM_ADDR} \
  -f mon/prom-values-nodes-0.yml

… and we’ll go back to the alerts screen.

open "http://$PROM_ADDR/alerts"

A few moments later (don’t forget to refresh the screen), the alert will switch to the pending state, and the color will change to yellow. That means that the conditions for the alert are met (we do have more than zero nodes) but the for period did not yet expire.

Wait for a minute (duration of the for period) and refresh the screen. The alert’s state switched to firing and the color changed to red. Prometheus sent our first alert.

Prometheus' alerts screen with one of the alerts firing
Prometheus' alerts screen with one of the alerts firing

Where was the alert sent? ...

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