Set up Cluster Autoscaler
This lesson will focus on how to set up Cluster Autoscaler in GKE, EKS and AKS.
Installation of Cluster Autoscaler
We might need to install Cluster Autoscaler
before we start using it. I said that we might, instead of saying that we have to because some Kubernetes flavors do come with Cluster Autoscaler
baked in, while others don’t. We’ll go through each of the “big three” managed Kubernetes clusters. You might choose to explore all three of them, or to jump to the one you prefer. As a learning experience, I believe that it is beneficial to experience running Kubernetes in all three providers. Nevertheless, that might not be your view and you might prefer using only one. The choice is yours.
Setting up Cluster Autoscaler
in GKE #
This will be the shortest section ever written. There’s nothing to do in GKE if you specified the --enable-autoscaling
argument when creating the cluster. It already comes with Cluster Autoscaler
pre-configured and ready.
Setting up Cluster Autoscaler
in EKS #
Unlike GKE, EKS does not come with Cluster Autoscaler
. We’ll have to configure it ourselves. We’ll need to add a few tags to the Autoscaling Group dedicated to worker nodes, to put additional permissions to the Role we’re using, and to install Cluster Autoscaler
Let’s get going.
export NAME=devops25
We stored the name of the cluster in the environment variable NAME
Adding permissions #
We’ll add a few additional permissions to the role created through eksctl. We do not know the name of the role, but we do know the pattern used to create it. Therefore, we’ll retrieve the name of the role, before we add a new policy to it.
IAM_ROLE=$(aws iam list-roles \
| jq -r ".Roles[] \
| select(.RoleName \
| startswith(\"eksctl-$NAME-nodegroup\")) \
echo $IAM_ROLE
The output of the latter command should be similar to the one that follows.
We listed all the roles, and we used jq
to filter the output so that only the one with the name that starts with eksctl-$NAME-nodegroup-ng-143b-NodeInstanceRole
is returned. Once we filtered the roles, we retrieved the RoleName
and stored it in the environment variable IAM_ROLE
Adding JSON
Next, we need JSON
that describes the new policy. I already prepared one, so let’s take a quick look at it.
cat scaling/eks-autoscaling-policy.json
The output is as follows.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
If you’re familiar with AWS (I hope you are), that policy should be straightforward. It allows a few additional actions related to autoscaling
Finally, we can put
the new policy to the role.
aws iam put-role-policy \
--role-name $IAM_ROLE \
--policy-name $NAME-AutoScaling \
--policy-document file://scaling/eks-autoscaling-policy.json
Now that we added the required tags to the Autoscaling Group and that we created the additional permissions that will allow Kubernetes to interact with the group, we can install Cluster Autoscaler Helm Chart.
helm install aws-cluster-autoscaler \
stable/cluster-autoscaler \
--namespace kube-system \
--set autoDiscovery.clusterName=$NAME \
--set awsRegion=$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION \
--set sslCertPath=/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt \
--set rbac.create=true
kubectl -n kube-system \
rollout status \
deployment aws-cluster-autoscaler
Once the Deployment is rolled out, the autoscaler should be fully operational.
Setting up Cluster Autoscaler
in AKS #
At the time of this writing, Cluster Autoscaler
does not work in AKS. At least, not always. It is still in the beta stage, and I cannot recommend it just yet. Hopefully, it will be fully operational and stable soon. When that happens, I will update this chapter with AKS-specific instructions. If you feel adventurous or you are committed to Azure, please follow the instructions from the Cluster Autoscaler on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) - Preview article. If it works, you should be able to follow the rest of this chapter.