

Create HPA with Custom Metrics pulled through Exporters

Create HPA with Custom Metrics pulled through Exporters

In this lesson, we will create `HPA` with custom metrics which will be pulled by HPA through exporters.

As you already saw, Prometheus Adapter comes with a set of default rules that provide many metrics that we do not need, and not all those that we do. It’s wasting CPU and memory by doing too much, but not enough. We’ll explore how we can customize the adapter with our own rules. Our next goal is to make the adapter retrieve only the nginx_ingress_controller_requests metric since that’s the only one we need. On top of that, it should provide that metric in two forms. First, it should retrieve the rate, grouped by the resource. The second form should be the same as the first but divided with the number of replicas of the Deployment that hosts the Pods where Ingress forwards the resources. That one should give us an average number of requests per replica and will be a good candidate for our first HPA definition based on custom metrics.

Make adapter retrieve nginx_ingress_controller_requests metric #

I already prepared a file with Chart values that might accomplish our current objectives, so let’s take a look at it.

cat mon/prom-adapter-values-ing.yml

The output is as follows.

  tag: v0.5.0
metricsRelistInterval: 90s
  url: http://prometheus-server.metrics.svc
  port: 80
  default: false
  - seriesQuery: 'nginx_ingress_controller_requests'
        namespace: {resource: "namespace"}
        ingress: {resource: "ingress"}
      as: "http_req_per_second"
    metricsQuery: 'sum(rate(<<.Series>>{<<.LabelMatchers>>}[5m])) by (<<.GroupBy>>)'
  - seriesQuery: 'nginx_ingress_controller_requests'
        namespace: {resource: "namespace"}
        ingress: {resource: "ingress"}
      as: "http_req_per_second_per_replica"
    metricsQuery: 'sum(rate(<<.Series>>{<<.LabelMatchers>>}[5m])) by (<<.GroupBy>>) / sum(label_join(kube_deployment_status_replicas, "ingress", ",", "deployment")) by (<<.GroupBy>>)'

The first few entries in that definition are the same values as the ones we used previously through --set arguments. We’ll skip those, and jump into the rules section.

Within the rules section, we’re setting the default entry to false. That will get rid of the default rules we explored previously and allows us to start with a clean slate. Further on, there are two custom rules.

First custom rule #

The first rule is based on the seriesQuery with nginx_ingress_controller_requests as the value. The overrides entry inside the resources section helps the adapter find out which Kubernetes resources are associated with the metric. We’re setting the value of the namespace label to the namespace resource. There’s a similar entry for ingress. In other words, we’re associating Prometheus labels with Kubernetes resources namespace and ingress.

As you will see soon, the metric itself will be a part of a full query that will be treated as a single metric by HPA. Since we are creating something new, we need a name. So, we specified the name section with a single as entry set to http_req_per_second. That will be the reference in our HPA definitions.

You already know that nginx_ingress_controller_requests is not very useful by itself. When we used it in Prometheus, we had to put it inside a rate function, we had to sum everything, and we had to group the results by a resource. We’re doing something similar through the metricsQuery entry. Think of it as an equivalent of expressions we’re writing in Prometheus. The only difference is that we are using “special” syntax like <<.Series>>. That’s the adapter’s templating mechanism. Instead of hard-coding the name of the metric, the labels, and the group by statements, we have <<.Series>>, <<.LabelMatchers>>, and <<.GroupBy>> clauses that will be populated with the correct values depending on what we put in API calls.

Second custom rule #

The second rule is almost the same as the first. The difference is in the name (now it’s http_req_per_second_per_replica) and in the metricsQuery. The latter is now dividing the result with the number of replicas of the associated Deployment, just as we practiced in the Collecting And Querying Metrics And Sending Alerts chapter.

Next, we’ll update the Chart with the new values.

helm upgrade prometheus-adapter \
    stable/prometheus-adapter \
    --version 1.4.0 \
    --namespace metrics \
    --values mon/prom-adapter-values-ing.yml

kubectl -n metrics \
    rollout status \
    deployment prometheus-adapter

Now that the Deployment has rolled out successfully, we can double-check that the configuration stored in the ConfigMap is indeed correct.

kubectl -n metrics \
    describe cm prometheus-adapter

The output, limited to the Data section, is as follows.

- metricsQuery: sum(rate(<<.Series>>{<<.LabelMatchers>>}[5m])) by (<<.GroupBy>>)
    as: http_req_per_second
        resource: ingress
        resource: namespace
  seriesQuery: nginx_ingress_controller_requests
- metricsQuery: sum(rate(<<.Series>>{<<.LabelMatchers>>}[5m])) by (<<.GroupBy>>) /
    sum(label_join(kube_deployment_status_replicas, "ingress", ",", "deployment"))
    by (<<.GroupBy>>)
    as: http_req_per_second_per_replica
        resource: ingress
        resource: namespace
  seriesQuery: nginx_ingress_controller_requests

We can see that the default rules we explored earlier are now replaced with the two rules we defined in the rules.custom section of our Chart values file.

The fact that the configuration looks correct does not necessarily mean that the adapter now provides data as Kubernetes custom metrics. Let’s check that as well.

kubectl get --raw \
    "/apis/custom.metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1" \
    | jq "."

The output is as follows.

  "kind": "APIResourceList",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "groupVersion": "custom.metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1",
  "resources": [
      "name": "namespaces/http_req_per_second_per_replica",
      "singularName": "",
      "namespaced": false,
      "kind": "MetricValueList",
      "verbs": [
      "name": "ingresses.extensions/http_req_per_second_per_replica",
      "singularName": "",
      "namespaced": true,
      "kind": "MetricValueList",
      "verbs": [
      "name": "ingresses.extensions/http_req_per_second",
      "singularName": "",
      "namespaced": true,
      "kind": "MetricValueList",
      "verbs": [
      "name": "namespaces/http_req_per_second",
      "singularName": "",
      "namespaced": false,
      "kind": "MetricValueList",
      "verbs": [

We can see that there are four metrics available, two of http_req_per_second and two of http_req_per_second_per_replica. Each of the two metrics we defined are available as both namespaces and ingresses. Right now, we do not care about namespaces, and we’ll concentrate on ingresses.

Create HPA based on custom metrics #

I’ll assume that at least five minutes (or more) passed since we sent a hundred requests. If it didn’t, you are a speedy reader, and you’ll have to wait for a while before we send another hundred requests. We are about to create our first HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA) based on custom metrics, and I want to make sure that you see how it behaves both before and after it is activated.

Now, let’s take a look at an HPA definition.

cat mon/go-demo-5-hpa-ing.yml

The output is as follows.

apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
  name: go-demo-5
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: go-demo-5
  minReplicas: 3
  maxReplicas: 10
  - type: Object
      metricName: http_req_per_second_per_replica
        kind: Namespace
        name: go-demo-5
      targetValue: 50m

The first half of the definition should be familiar since it does not differ from what we used before. It will maintain between 3 and 10 replicas of the go-demo-5 Deployment. The new stuff is in the metrics section.

In the past, we used spec.metrics.type set to Resource. Through that type, we defined CPU and memory targets. This time, however, our type is Object. It refers to a metric describing a single Kubernetes object which, in our case, happens to be a custom metric coming from Prometheus Adapter.

If we go through the ObjectMetricSource v2beta1 autoscaling documentation, we can see that the fields of the Object type are different than those we used before when our type was Resources. We set the metricName to the metric we defined in Prometheus Adapter (http_req_per_second_per_replica). Remember that it is not a metric, but that we defined an expression that the adapter uses to fetch data from Prometheus and convert it into a custom metric. In this case, we are getting the number of requests entering an Ingress resource divided by the number of replicas of a Deployment.

Finally, the targetValue is set to 50m or 0.05 requests per second. I intentionally set it to a very low value so that we can easily reach the target and observe what happens.

Let’s apply the definition.

kubectl -n go-demo-5 \
    apply -f mon/go-demo-5-hpa-ing.yml

Next, we’ll describe the newly created HPA, and see whether we can observe anything interesting.

kubectl -n go-demo-5 \
    describe hpa go-demo-5

The output, limited to the relevant parts, is as follows.

Metrics:         ( current / target )
  "http_req_per_second_per_replica" on Namespace/go-demo-5: 0 / 50m
Min replicas:    3
Max replicas:    10
Deployment pods: 3 current / 3 desired

Maintains minimum number of replicas #

We can see that there is only one entry in the Metrics section. The HPA is using the custom metric http_req_per_second_per_replica based on Namespace/go-demo-5. At the moment, the current value is 0, and the target is set to 50m (0.05 requests per second). If, in your case, the current value is unknown, please wait for a few moments, and re-run the command.

Further down, we can see that both the current and the desired number of Deployment Pods is set to 3.

All in all, the target is not reached (there are 0 requests) so there’s no need for the HPA to do anything. It maintains the minimum number of replicas.

Generate some traffic #

Let’s spice it up a bit by generating some traffic.

for i in {1..100}; do
    curl "http://$GD5_ADDR/demo/hello"

We sent a hundred requests to the go-demo-5 Ingress.

Let’s describe the HPA again, and see whether there are some changes.

kubectl -n go-demo-5 \
    describe hpa go-demo-5

The output, limited to the relevant parts, is as follows.

Metrics:                                                   ( current / target )
  "http_req_per_second_per_replica" on Ingress/go-demo-5:  138m / 50m
Min replicas:                                              3
Max replicas:                                              10
Deployment pods:                                           3 current / 6 desired
  ... Message
  ... -------
  ... New size: 6; reason: Ingress metric http_req_per_second_per_replica above target

We can see that the current value of the metric increased. In my case, it is 138m (0.138 requests per second). If your output still shows 0, you’ll have to wait until the metrics are pulled by Prometheus until the adapter fetches them, and until the HPA refreshes its status. In other words, wait for a few moments, and re-run the previous command.

Given that the current value is higher than the target, in my case, the HPA changed the desired number of Deployment pods to 6 (your number might differ depending on the value of the metric). As a result, HPA modified the Deployment by changing its number of replicas, and we should see additional Pods running. That becomes more evident through the Events section. There should be a new message stating New size: 6; reason: Ingress metric http_req_per_second_per_replica above target.

To be on the safe side, we’ll list the Pods in the go-demo-5 Namespace and confirm that the new ones are indeed running.

kubectl -n go-demo-5 get pods

The output is as follows.

go-demo-5-db-0 2/2   Running 0        19m
go-demo-5-db-1 2/2   Running 0        19m
go-demo-5-db-2 2/2   Running 0        10m
go-demo-5-...  1/1   Running 2        19m
go-demo-5-...  1/1   Running 0        16s
go-demo-5-...  1/1   Running 2        19m
go-demo-5-...  1/1   Running 0        16s
go-demo-5-...  1/1   Running 2        19m
go-demo-5-...  1/1   Running 0        16s

We can see that there are now six go-demo-5-* Pods, with three of them much younger than the rest.

Drop the traffic #

We’ll explore what happens when traffic drops below the HPAs target. We’ll accomplish that by not doing anything for a while. Since we are the only ones sending requests to the application, all we have to do is to stand still for five minutes or, even better, use this time to fetch coffee.

The reason we need to wait for at least five minutes lies in the frequencies HPA uses to scale up and down. By default, an HPA will scale up every three minutes, as long as the current value is above the target. Scaling down requires five minutes. An HPA will descale only if the current value is below the target for at least three minutes since the last time it scaled up.

All in all, we need to wait for five minutes, or more, before we see the scaling effect in the opposite direction.

kubectl -n go-demo-5 \
    describe hpa go-demo-5

The output, limited to the relevant parts, is as follows.

Metrics:         ( current / target )
  "http_req_per_second_per_replica" on Ingress/go-demo-5:  0 / 50m
Min replicas:    3
Max replicas:    10
Deployment pods: 3 current / 3 desired
... Age   ... Message
... ----  ... -------
... 10m   ... New size: 6; reason: Ingress metric http_req_per_second_per_replica above target
... 7m10s ... New size: 9; reason: Ingress metric http_req_per_second_per_replica above target
... 2m9s  ... New size: 3; reason: All metrics below target

The most interesting part of the output is the events section. We’ll focus on the Age and Message fields. Remember, scale-up events are executed every three minutes if the current value is above the target, while scale-down iterations are every five minutes.

HPA scaled the Deployment up #

In my case, the HPA scaled the Deployment again, three minutes later. The number of replicas jumped from six to nine. Since the expression used by the adapter uses a five minutes rate, some of the requests entered the second HPA iteration. Scaling up even after we stopped sending requests, might not seem like a good idea (it isn’t), but in the “real world” scenarios, that shouldn’t occur, since there’s much more traffic than what we generated. We wouldn’t put 50m (0.2 requests per second) as a target.

HPA scaled the Deployment down #

Five minutes after the last scale-up event, the current value was at 0, and the HPA scaled the Deployment down to the minimum number of replicas (3). There’s no traffic anymore, and we’re back to where we started.

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