

Combine GCP StackDriver with a GKE Cluster

Combine GCP StackDriver with a GKE Cluster

This lesson focuses on combining GCP StackDriver with a GKE cluster.

GKE’s Fluentd DaemonSet #

If you’re using the GKE cluster, logging is already set up, even though you might not know about it. By default, every GKE cluster comes with a Fluentd DaemonSet that is configured to forward logs to GCP StackDriver. It is running in the kube-system Namespace.

Let’s describe GKE’s Fluentd DaemonSet and see whether there is any useful information we might find.

kubectl -n kube-system \
  describe ds -l k8s-app=fluentd-gcp

The output, limited to the relevant parts, is as follows.

Pod Template:
  Labels:     k8s-app=fluentd-gcp