

Combine GCP StackDriver with a GKE Cluster

Combine GCP StackDriver with a GKE Cluster

This lesson focuses on combining GCP StackDriver with a GKE cluster.

GKE’s Fluentd DaemonSet #

If you’re using the GKE cluster, logging is already set up, even though you might not know about it. By default, every GKE cluster comes with a Fluentd DaemonSet that is configured to forward logs to GCP StackDriver. It is running in the kube-system Namespace.

Let’s describe GKE’s Fluentd DaemonSet and see whether there is any useful information we might find.

kubectl -n kube-system \
  describe ds -l k8s-app=fluentd-gcp

The output, limited to the relevant parts, is as follows.

Pod Template:
  Labels:     k8s-app=fluentd-gcp
    Image: gcr.io/stackdriver-agents/stackdriver-logging-agent:0.3-1.5.34-1-k8s-1

We can see that, among others, the DaemonSet’s Pod Template has the label k8s-app=fluentd-gcp. We’ll need it soon. Also, we can see that one of the containers is based on the stackdriver-logging-agent image. Just as Papertrail extended Fluentd, Google did the same.

Output the logs of Fluentd containers #

Now that we know that Stackdriver-specific Fluentd is running in our cluster as a DaemonSet, the logical conclusion would be that there is already a UI we can use to explore the logs. UI is indeed available but, before we see it in action, we’ll output the logs of the Fluentd containers and verify that everything is working as expected.

kubectl -n kube-system \
  logs -l k8s-app=fluentd-gcp \
  -c fluentd-gcp

Unless you already enabled Stackdriver Logging API, the output should contain at least one message similar to the one that follows.

18-12-12 21:36:41 +0000 [warn]: Dropping 1 log message(s) error="7:Stackdriver Logging API has not been used in project 152824630010 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/logging.googleapis.com/overview?project=152824630010 then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry." error_code="7"

Fortunately, the warning already tells us not only what the issue is, but also what to do. Open the link from the log entry in your favorite browser, and click the ENABLE button.

Wait until the action propagates #

Now that we enabled Stackdriver Logging API, Fluentd will be able to ship log entries there. All we have to do is wait for a minute or two until the action propagates.

Let’s see the Stackdriver UI.

open "https://console.cloud.google.com/logs/viewer"

Please type random-logger in the Filter by label or text search field and select GKE Container from the drop-down list. The output should display all the logs that contain random-logger text.

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