

Solution: Collect Coins in Minimum Steps

Solution: Collect Coins in Minimum Steps

This review discusses the solution of the collect coins in minimum steps challenge in detail.

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We can solve this problem using a divide and conquer technique as follows:

def minimum_steps_recursive(lst, left, right, h):
Helper recursive function to calculate minimum steps to collect coins from the list
:param lst: List of coins stack
:param left: Left sided index of the list
:param right: Right sided index of the list
:param h: Height of the stack
:return: Returns minimum steps to collect coins from the list, otherwise 0
# Base Case: When left is greater or equal to right
if left >= right:
return 0
# loop over the list of heights to get minimum height index
minimum_height = left
for i in range(left, right):
if lst[i] < lst[minimum_height]:
minimum_height = i
# Collecting all vertical line coins which are right - left
# and all the horizontal line coins on both sided segments
return min(right - left, minimum_steps_recursive(lst, left, minimum_height, lst[minimum_height])
+ minimum_steps_recursive(lst, minimum_height + 1, right, lst[minimum_height])
+ lst[minimum_height] - h)
def minimum_steps(lst):
Function which calls the helper function to calculate minimum steps to collect coins from the list
:param lst: List of coins stack
:return: Returns minimum steps to collect coins from the list, otherwise 0
return minimum_steps_recursive(lst, 0, len(lst), 0)
# Driver code to test above function
if __name__ == '__main__':
lst = [2, 1, 2, 5, 1]
print('Minimum number of steps:', minimum_steps(lst))


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