

Solution: Depth-First Graph Traversal

Solution: Depth-First Graph Traversal

In this review, we learn how to write code for the depth-first traversal of a graph.

We'll cover the following...


def dfs(my_graph, source):
Function to print a DFS of graph
:param graph: The graph
:param source: starting vertex
:return: returns the traversal in a string
# Mark all the vertices as not visited
visited = [False] * (len(my_graph.graph))
# Create a stack for DFS
stack = []
# Result string
result = ""
# Push the source
while stack:
# Pop a vertex from stack
source = stack.pop()
if not visited[source]:
result += str(source)
visited[source] = True
# Get all adjacent vertices of the popped vertex source.
# If a adjacent has not been visited, then push it
while my_graph.graph[source] is not None:
data = my_graph.graph[source].vertex
if not visited[data]:
my_graph.graph[source] = my_graph.graph[source].next
return result
# Main to test the above program
if __name__ == "__main__":
V = 5
g = Graph(V)
g.add_edge(0, 1)
g.add_edge(0, 2)
g.add_edge(1, 3)
g.add_edge(1, 4)
print(dfs(g, 0))


The depth-first graph algorithm uses the idea of backtracking. We exhaustively search all the nodes by going ahead, if possible, or else by backtracking.

Here, the word ‘backtrack’ means to move forward as long as there are no more nodes in the current path, then move backward on the same path to find nodes to traverse.

In the following solution, we have used a stack to implement depth-first graph traversal.

Time complexity

Let EE ...