

Solution: Connecting n Pipes With Minimum Cost

Solution: Connecting n Pipes With Minimum Cost

This review provides a detailed analysis of how to connect n pipes with the minimum cost.

Solution: sorting

import heapq
def min_cost(pipes):
Calculates the minimum cost of connecting pipes
:param pipes: A list where its length is the number of pipes and indexes are the specific lengths of the pipes.
:return: The minimum cost
# Create a priority queue out of the
# given list
# Initializ result
cost = 0
# While size of priority queue
# is more than 1
while(len(pipes) > 1):
# Extract shortest two pipes from the priority queue
first = heapq.heappop(pipes)
second = heapq.heappop(pipes)
# Connect the pipe: update cost
# and insert the new pipe to pipes queue
cost += first + second
heapq.heappush(pipes, first + second)
return cost
# Main program to test above function
if __name__ == "__main__":
pipes = [4, 3, 2, 6]


If you look at the animation present in the previous lesson, you will notice that the lengths of the pipes which are picked first are included iteratively (i.e. each time). Therefore, we want them to be as small as possible. Now, let’s be greedy!

First, we initialize the priority ...