

Solution: Connecting n Pipes With Minimum Cost

Solution: Connecting n Pipes With Minimum Cost

This review provides a detailed analysis of how to connect n pipes with the minimum cost.

Solution: sorting

import heapq
def min_cost(pipes):
Calculates the minimum cost of connecting pipes
:param pipes: A list where its length is the number of pipes and indexes are the specific lengths of the pipes.
:return: The minimum cost
# Create a priority queue out of the
# given list
# Initializ result
cost = 0
# While size of priority queue
# is more than 1
while(len(pipes) > 1):
# Extract shortest two pipes from the priority queue
first = heapq.heappop(pipes)
second = heapq.heappop(pipes)
# Connect the pipe: update cost
# and insert the new pipe to pipes queue
cost += first + second
heapq.heappush(pipes, first + second)
return cost
# Main program to test above function
if __name__ == "__main__":
pipes = [4, 3, 2, 6]


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