Solution: Group Anagrams
Here's a detailed analysis on how to solve the Group Anagrams problem.
We'll cover the following...
Solution: using dictionary and list
def anagrams(lst):"""Function to find anagram pairs:param lst: A lst of strings:return: Group of anagrams"""# Empty dictionary which holds subsets of all anagrams togetherdictionary = {}# traversing all the lst stringsfor string in lst:# sorting the lst string and storing it in a keykey = ''.join(sorted(string))# if the key is already in the dictionary then appending the original lst(Anagram).if key in dictionary.keys():dictionary[key].append(string)else: # If there is no key in the dictionarydictionary[key] = []dictionary[key].append(string)# traversing the whole dictionary and concatenating values and keysresult = []for key, value in dictionary.items():if len(value) >= 2:result.append(value)result = sorted(result) # sort the listreturn result# Driver to test above codeif __name__ == '__main__':lst = ['tom marvolo riddle ', 'abc', 'def', 'cab', 'fed', 'clint eastwood ', 'i am lord voldemort', 'elvis', 'old west action', 'lives']print (anagrams(lst))
This solution sorts each input string in an ascending order, considers it as a key and the original string as the value of the corresponding key. It then checks if the key exists in a dictionary or not. If it doesn’t exist, it means it is occurring for the very first time, so it maps an empty list to the key and appends a value in it. If the key is already present, it simply appends the value to the list.
Now, each list in the dictionary has anagrams. In the end, it iterates over the dictionary and stores all the values in a list if, in the key-value pair, the value corresponding to the key is greater than 2. The resultant list is returned, which has the pair of anagrams.
Time complexity
Sorting one ...