

Solution: Egg Dropping Problem

Solution: Egg Dropping Problem

This review provides a detailed analysis of the different ways to solve the egg dropping problem.

Solution 1: brute force

from decimal import Decimal # Decimal library to assign minimum/maximum numbers
def egg_drop(eggs, floors):
Figures out which floor of the skyscraper that the eggs can be safely dropped from without breaking.
:param eggs: Number of stories of the skyscraper
:param floors: Number of eggs
:return: Return the floor
# If there are no eggs, then there can't be any tries
if eggs <= 0:
return 0
# If there are no floors, then no trials needed. OR if there is
# one floor, one trial needed.
if floors == 1 or floors == 0:
return floors
# We need k trials for one egg and k floors
if eggs == 1:
return floors
min = Decimal("Infinity")
res = 0
# Consider all droppings from 1st floor to kth floor and
# return the minimum of these values plus 1.
for i in range(1, floors + 1):
res = max(egg_drop(eggs - 1, i - 1), egg_drop(eggs, floors - i))
if res < min:
min = res
return min + 1
# Driver code to test the above function
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(egg_drop(2, 13))


When we drop an egg from the floor i, there can be two cases: (1) The egg breaks (2) The egg doesn’t break.

  1. If the egg breaks after dropping from the ithi^{th} floor, then, we only need to check for floors lower than i with remaining eggs; so the problem reduces to i - 1 floors and n - 1 eggs.
  2. If the egg doesn’t break after dropping from the ithi^{th}