HomeCoursesBuilding and Deploying Azure Functions in .NET



Building and Deploying Azure Functions in .NET
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Gain insights into building, deploying, and managing .NET-based Azure Functions. Learn about function triggers, configuration, scaling, orchestration, and security, while leveraging cost-effective, serverless architecture.
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Course Overview

Azure Functions allows businesses and individual developers to run workloads of varying intensity in the cloud without the need to manage servers. These serverless applications can automatically scale based on demand, ensuring that resources are always available when needed. Azure Functions is also very cost-effective since it bills you only for the functions you use. In this course, you’ll focus on the .NET implementations of Azure Functions. You’ll start by learning how to build, configure, and deploy th...Show More
Azure Functions allows businesses and individual developers to run workloads of varying intensity in the cloud without the need ...Show More


The ability to build Azure functions
An understanding of the differences between Azure function types and when to use them
Hands-on experience with Azure Functions triggers
Familiarity with Azure Durable Functions
Ability to apply orchestration to distributed Azure functions
The ability to build Azure functions

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Serverless Application Model

Azure Cloud Services


Course Content



5 Lessons

Get familiar with Azure Functions, serverless applications, and .NET development essentials.


Securing Azure Functions

7 Lessons

Master securing Azure Functions by leveraging HTTPS, controlling CORS, secrets, keys, and authorization levels.



2 Lessons

Get familiar with building and deploying Azure Functions using C# and .NET.



3 Lessons

Get started with local creation, deployment, and language options for Azure Functions.
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