HomeCoursesMastering the Art of Programming in Python 3



Mastering the Art of Programming in Python 3

Gain insights into advanced Python 3, learn the Pythonic Way, explore data structures, functional and object-oriented paradigms, and master iterables, generators, and coroutines through practical projects.
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This highly interactive and advanced course will give you insight into the most common Python tricks and tips. This course is for practicing Python programmers who are aiming for proficiency in Python 3. If you want to switch from Python 2 to Python 3, this is your go-to course. This course will help you learn the Pythonic Way of writing code and leveraging advanced robust features to become more proficient than the average developer. You’ll start by covering Python’s built-in data structures, and then yo...Show More
This highly interactive and advanced course will give you insight into the most common Python tricks and tips. This course is fo...Show More




1 Lessons

Get familiar with advanced Python 3 features and practical programming techniques for proficiency.


Project I: Data Science with Data Structures

2 Lessons

Apply your skills to process and analyze datasets using Python for real-world data science tasks.


Project I Review

3 Lessons

Solve problems in data analysis, task automation, and dataset refinement using Python programming.


Project II: Build Your Own Matrix Module

1 Lessons

Get started with building a Matrix module in Python using object-oriented programming.


Project II Review

2 Lessons

Work your way through implementing matrix operations with Python, including addition, multiplication, and coroutines.



6 Lessons

Enhance your skills in metaprogramming with dynamic classes, custom metaclasses, and performance tracking.


The End

1 Lessons

Take a look at key Python programming topics and further learning paths.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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