Block Storage

Learn about the usage and advantages of block storage in the cloud.

What is block storage?

Block storage is a type of storage in which data is broken into fixed-sized blocks before storing them. These blocks are then stored separately across many locations. Each block gets a unique identifier so it can easily be located. This process of breaking down into smaller-sized blocks allows for scalability, and data can be stored efficiently compared to traditional file systems.

The location of data is abstracted from users, and the underlying system manages that part. When data is requested by a user or application, the underlying system reassembles the data blocks and serves the data to the user or application.

Block storage provides high-performance, highly durable, and highly available storage solutions for mission-critical applications. It acts as a building block for many services in the cloud, even by the cloud platforms themselves. Infrastructure as a Service model, container orchestrations, and many other services use virtual machines under the hood, and the virtual machines use block ...