

Where is the Cloud Used?

Where is the Cloud Used?

Learn about some of the common use cases of cloud computing.

Let’s discuss some examples from our activities in our daily lives to understand the usage of the cloud. We wake up to an alarm on our mobile, weigh ourselves on a smart scale, watch the news on our smart TV, communicate with our colleagues over Microsoft Teams, use Gmail for our emails, or use platforms like Educative to keep up to date with the technical landscape.

Our lives are driven by technology, and the enabler of most of these activities is the cloud. Cloud computing is so embedded in our lives that we don’t even realize it.

Who else is using the cloud?

As you might have guessed from the examples above, most of the services we mentioned are delivered via cloud platforms. Netflix, Amazon Prime, Gmail, Spotify, Uber, WhatsApp, iCloud, and GitHub are some well-known names of services most of us use daily. Each of these services runs on different cloud platforms. ...