

Why Should We Use the Cloud?

Why Should We Use the Cloud?

Learn about the roles in which the cloud is practically used.

There are many reasons to use cloud computing, depending on your role and the problem at hand. There is no one-size-fits-all kind of answer to this question.

If you are taking this course, you already have felt the need to learn more about cloud computing. This could be due to the need to upskill on the cloud because your role demands it. You might be looking to enter a career in cloud computing and want to learn all about it. You might have an upcoming attractive opportunity where cloud computing skills are needed. Whatever the case is, the point is you decided to at least explore this area to get a better understanding.

On the other side, this is an area where the bulk of the work is happening irrespective of our role, use case, or industry. The cloud is the enabler of our modern world and the driving force for many businesses to improve their bottom line. Today’s overall market size of cloud computing is around $445 billion and is projected to be roughly $1614 billion by the year 2030. As we can see, this ...