Image Tracking in AR

Learn image tracking in AR with Unity’s AR Foundation.

In this lesson, we will explore how to track and detect specific images in the real world using AR Foundation in this lesson. By leveraging the power of image recognition, we can create immersive AR experiences that respond to real-world objects. We'll focus on spawning a Prefab, such as a wolf, when a specific image is detected.

Scene setup

Given below are the steps to set up a scene for image tracking:

  1. To duplicate the “ARRotateScale” scene, simply select it in the “Assets” > “Scenes” folder and click “Command + D” on Mac or “Ctrl + D” on Windows. Then, rename the duplicated scene to “ARImageTracking.”

  2. In the “ARImageTracking” scene, remove unnecessary GameObjects from the “Hierarchy” window, including “PlacementIndicator,” “ScanningIndicator,” “Controller,” and “Event System.”

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