Crafting the Recipe

Learn how to craft tidymodels recipes for preparing training data for machine learning models.

We'll cover the following...

Getting started

This lesson uses the recipes package of the tidymodels family as the start of the R code script to train a CART classification decision tree. The code in this lesson is developed step by step. Not surprisingly, the first step is to load the required R packages and the Titanic training set.

Run the following code to get things started:

Press + to interact
# Load libraries - suppress messages
# Load the Titanic training data and transform Embarked to a factor
titanic_train <- read_csv("titanic_train.csv", show_col_types = FALSE) %>%
mutate(Sex = factor(Sex),
Embarked = factor(case_when(
Embarked == "C" ~ "Cherbourg",
Embarked == "Q" ~ "Queenstown",
Embarked == "S" ~ "Southampton", ~ "missing")))
# Check out the data

This code script loads the following R packages:

  • tidyverse: The family of packages that provide functionality for acquiring, wrangling, and visualizing data.

  • tidymodels: The family of packages extending the ...