Making Predictions

Apply what you've learned about the random forest algorithm to make predictions on a test dataset.

Training a model

Using a sample of the Adult Census Income dataset, the following code trains a random forest from a training dataset split to predict the income label from a collection of features:

Press + to interact
# Load libraries - suppress messages
# Load the Adult Census Income dataset
adult_census <- read_csv("adult_census.csv", show_col_types = FALSE)
# Load the Adult Census Income dataset, create factors, and engineer a new feature
# It is best practice to set the seed for split reproducibility
adult_split <- initial_split(adult_census, prop = 0.8, strata = "income")
# Create the training and test data frames
adult_train <- training(adult_split)
adult_test <- testing(adult_split)
# Use the entire dataset to define factor levels
# NOTE - The levels are not sorted as would normally happen when creating R factors
work_class_levels <- unique(adult_census$work_class)
education_levels <- unique(adult_census$education)
marital_status_levels <- unique(adult_census$marital_status)
occupation_levels <- unique(adult_census$occupation)
relationship_levels <- unique(adult_census$relationship)
race_levels <- unique(adult_census$race)
native_country_levels <- unique(adult_census$native_country)
# It is best practice to create character-based factors outside of a recipe
adult_train <- adult_train %>%
mutate(work_class = factor(work_class, levels = work_class_levels),
education = factor(education, levels = education_levels),
marital_status = factor(marital_status, levels = marital_status_levels),
occupation = factor(occupation, levels = occupation_levels),
relationship = factor(relationship, levels = relationship_levels),
race = factor(race, levels = race_levels),
sex = factor(sex),
native_country = factor(native_country, levels = native_country_levels),
income = factor(income))
# Craft the recipe - recipes package
# The use of "~ ." tells tidymodels to use all other features to predict income
adult_recipe <- recipe(income ~ ., data = adult_train)
# Specify the algorithm - parsnip package
adult_model <- rand_forest(trees = 250) %>%
set_engine("randomForest") %>%
# Set up workflow - workflow package
adult_workflow <- workflow() %>%
add_recipe(adult_recipe) %>%
# Fit model - parsnip package
# Setting seed for reproducibility
adult_fit <- fit(adult_workflow, adult_train)
# Display the model's summarized output
adult_forest <- extract_fit_parsnip(adult_fit)

The above code uses 250 trees in the forest to conserve computation and memory and sets the random seed for reproducibility. The resulting random forest ensemble has the following predictive performance: ...