Performing Cross-Validation

Learn how to use cross-validation to calculate accuracy estimates using tidymodels.

Coding the workflow

One of the many benefits of using the tidymodels family of R packages is the standardized approach it provides for coding machine learning workflows. The following code sets up a machine learning workflow for a CART classification decision tree:

  1. Preparing the training data.

  2. Declaring how the data should be used to train the model.

  3. Specifying the machine learning algorithm to be used.

  4. Orchestrating the workflow.

Press + to interact
# Load libraries - suppress messages
# Load the Titanic training data and transform Embarked to a factor
titanic_train <- read_csv("titanic_train.csv", show_col_types = FALSE) %>%
mutate(Sex = factor(Sex),
Embarked = factor(case_when(
Embarked == "C" ~ "Cherbourg",
Embarked == "Q" ~ "Queenstown",
Embarked == "S" ~ "Southampton", ~ "missing")))
# Craft the recipe - recipes package
titanic_recipe <- recipe(Survived ~ Sex + Pclass + SibSp + Parch + Fare + Embarked, data = titanic_train) %>%
transform = function(x) x + 1,
levels = c("perished", "survived")) %>%
levels = c("first", "second", "third"))
# Specify the algorithm - parsnip package
titanic_model <- decision_tree() %>%
set_engine("rpart") %>%
# Set up workflow - workflow package
titanic_workflow <- workflow() %>%
add_recipe(titanic_recipe) %>%

Setting up cross-validation

The vfold_cv() from the rsample package creates the folds to be used in cross-validation. The following code uses these ...