Pruning Classification Trees

Learn how the CART algorithm reduces the complexity of trees after training via decision tree pruning.

Pruning intuition

Trees in the real world can grow too large. For example, a tree in someone’s yard might grow over the fence into a neighbor’s property and an expert might be called to prune the tree back (i.e., remove branches). Pruning is the process of removing that which is not needed.

In the case of CART, decision trees that have grown too large are prone to overfitting. CART automatically implements a pruning process after a decision tree has been trained to reduce the decision tree’s complexity.

Take, for example, the following hypothetical decision tree that has grown to full size based on the training data and the minsplit hyperparameter:

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A decision tree fully grown after training
A decision tree fully grown after training

Next, the CART algorithm prunes the tree, starting at the bottom with the leaf nodes. Conceptually, decision tree pruning is the process of “collapsing” leaf nodes to higher levels in the tree by removing splits.

The following image depicts the results of the pruning process for the full-grown tree shown above:

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A pruned decision tree
A pruned decision tree

CART pre-pruning

The CART algorithm supports pruning as described above. The process of pruning a decision tree after the tree is fully grown can be considered post-pruning.

CART also supports pruning the tree while it is being grown. This can be considered pre-pruning (also called early stopping) and is controlled in the rpart package using the cp hyperparameter.

The cp hyperparameter controls how much benefit a potential split needs for a split to be added to a growing tree. In the case of CART classification trees, the cp value tells the algorithm that the minimum value of Gini change is required to perform a split.

Conceptually, ...