HomeCoursesData Structures & Algorithms In Go



Data Structures & Algorithms In Go
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Gain insights into data structures and algorithms in Go. Delve into arrays, stacks, queues, hash tables, trees, greedy algorithms, and dynamic programming with hands-on coding.
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Course Overview

Data structures and algorithms are central concepts of computer science in general and software development in particular. Logging, transforming, and analyzing data are core skills in both real-world applications and coding interviews. This course is a detailed guide for data structures and algorithms with specific applications in the Go programming language. You’ll learn basic data structures starting with arrays, stacks, queues, hash tables, and trees. You’ll then process the data with common techniques,...Show More
Data structures and algorithms are central concepts of computer science in general and software development in particular. Loggi...Show More


A strong understanding of fundamental data structures and algorithms in Go
The ability to implement common data structures in Go
The ability to process data using basic algorithms in Go
Familiarity with computer science fundamentals and Go
A strong understanding of fundamental data structures and algorithms in Go

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Programming Language

Data Structures


Course Content


Getting Started

1 Lessons

Get familiar with pursuing a Go programming career with in-depth data structures.



23 Lessons

Go hands-on with array manipulation, searching algorithms, and various efficiency challenges.


Approaches to Solve Algorithm Design Problems

4 Lessons

Take a closer look at identifying constraints, generating ideas, assessing complexities, and thorough testing in algorithm design.


Data Structures in Go

11 Lessons

Simplify complex data structures in Go, from ADTs to advanced collections like graphs.



36 Lessons

Sharpen your skills in implementing and managing stacks, including operations, challenges, and expression conversions.



59 Lessons

Examine tree structures, types, and traversals, with practical challenges and efficient solutions.
Introduction to Tree
Types of Trees
Introduction to Binary Trees
Challenge: Create a Complete Binary Tree
Solution Review: Create a Complete Binary Tree
Challenge: Print Pre-Order Traversal
Solution Review: Print Pre-Order Traversal
Challenge: Print Post-order Traversal
Solution Review: Print Post-order Traversal
Challenge: Print In-order Traversal
Solution Review: Print In-Order Traversal
Challenge: Print level-order Traversal
Solution Review: Print Level-order Traversal
Challenge: Print Depth First Without Recursion
Solution Review: Print Depth First Without Using the Recursion
Challenge: Print Level Order Line by Line Using Two Queues
Solution Review: Print Level Order Line by Line Using Two Queues
Challenge: Print a Tree in Level-order Line by Line Using a Queue
Solution Review: Print Level Order Line by Line Using One Queue
Challenge: Print Spiral Tree
Solution Review: Print Spiral Tree
Challenge: nth Pre-order
Solution Review: nth Pre-Order
Challenge: nth Post-order
Solution Review: nth Post-Order
Challenge: nth In-Order
Solution Review: nth In-Order
Challenge: Print All the Paths
Solution Review: Print All the Paths
Challenge: Number of Elements
Solution Review: Number of Elements
Challenge: Sum of All Nodes in a Binary Tree
Solution Review: Sum of All Nodes in a Binary Tree
Challenge: Find Number of Leaf Nodes
Solution Review: Find Number of Leaf Nodes
Challenge: Number of Full Nodes in a Binary Tree
Solution Review: Number of Full Nodes in a Binary Tree
Challenge: Search Value in a Binary Tree
Solution Review: Search Value in a Binary Tree
Challenge: Find Max in Binary Tree
Solution Review: Find Max in Binary Tree
Challenge: Tree Depth
Solution Review: Tree Depth
Challenge: Identical Trees
Solution Review: Identical Trees
Challenge: Copy Tree
Solution Review: Copy Tree
Challenge: Copy Mirror Tree
Solution Review: Copy Mirror Tree
Challenge: Free Tree
Solution Review: Free Tree
Challenge: Check Completeness of Tree Using Queue
Solution Review: Check Completeness of Tree Using Queue
Challenge: Check Completeness of Tree Using Recursion
Solution Review: Check Completeness of Tree using Recursion
Challenge: Is Tree a Heap?
Solution Review: Is Tree a Heap
Challenge: Tree to List Conversion using Recursion
Solution Review: Tree to List Conversion using Recursion


Binary Search Tree

25 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of Binary Search Trees, covering construction, insertion, deletion, and tree traversal.
Certificate of Completion
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the goal of this course?

The course aims to teach data structures and algorithms, specifically within the Go programming language.

Who is this course for?

What types of data structures will I learn?

Does the course cover algorithmic techniques?

What is the teaching format of the course?

Are advanced algorithms covered?

Is there any real-world application of the Go algorithms discussed?