

Mathematical Background

Mathematical Background

Check your understanding of some mathematical notations and tools.

In this lesson, we review some mathematical notations and tools used throughout this course, including logarithms, big-Oh notation, and probability theory. This review will be brief and is not intended as an introduction.

Exponentials and logarithms

The expression bxb^x denotes the number bb raised to the power of xx.

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The expression bxb^x denotes the number bb raised to the power of xx. If xx is a positive integer, then this is just the value of bb multiplied by itself x1x − 1 times:

bx=b×b××bxb^x = \underbrace{b \times b \times \cdots \times b}_{x}

When xx is a negative integer, bx=1/bxb^x =1 / b^{−x}. When x=0x = 0, bx=1b^x = 1. When bb is not an integer, we can still define exponentiation in terms of the exponential function exe^x (see below), which is itself defined in terms of the exponential series, but this is best left to a calculus text.

In this course, the expression logbk\log_{b}{k} denotes the basebbase–b logarithm of kk. That is, the unique value xx that satisfies

bx=kb^x = k

Most of the logarithms in this course are base 2 (binary logarithms). For these, we omit the base, so that logk\log_k is shorthand for log2k\log_{2}{k}.

An informal, but useful, way to think about logarithms is to think of logbk\log_{b}{k} as the number of times we have to divide kk by bb before the result is less than or equal to 11. For example, when a binary search is done, each comparison reduces the number of possible answers by a factor of 22. This is repeated until there is at most one possible answer. Therefore, the number of comparisons done by binary search, when there are initially at most n+1n + 1 possible answers, is at most log2(n+1)\lceil \log_2(n + 1) \rceil.

Another logarithm that comes up several times in this course is the natural logarithm. Here we use the notation lnk\ln k to denote logek\log_{e} {k}, where eeEuler’s constant—is given by

e=limn(1+1n)n2.71828e = \lim_{n\to\infty}\left(1+\frac{1}{n}\right)^n \approx 2.71828

The natural logarithm comes up frequently because it is the value of a particularly common integral:

1k1xdx=lnk\int_{1}^{k} \frac{1}{x} dx = \ln k

Two of the most common manipulations we do with logarithms are removing them from an exponent:

blogbk=kb^{\log_{b}k} = k

and changing the base of a logarithm:

logbk=logaklogab\log_{b}k = \frac {\log_{a} k} {\log_{a} b}

For example, we can use these two manipulations to compare the natural and binary logarithms.

lnk=logkloge=logk(lne ...

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