

Treap: A Randomized Binary Search Tree

Treap: A Randomized Binary Search Tree

Learn the implementation of a randomized binary search tree.

The problem with random binary search trees is, of course, that they are not dynamic. They don’t support the add(x) or remove(x) operations needed to implement the SSet interface. In this section we describe a data structure called a Treap that uses Lemma 1 to implement the SSet interface.

Note: The data structure is called Treap because it is simultaneously a binary search tree and a heap.

The Treap overview

A node in a Treap is like a node in a BinarySearchTree in that it has a data value, x, but it also contains a unique numerical priority, p, that is assigned at random:

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class Node<T> extends BSTNode<Node<T>,T> {
int p;

In addition to being a binary search tree, the nodes in a Treap also obey the heap property:

  • Heap property: At every node u, except the root, u.parent.p < u.p.

In other words, each node has a priority smaller than that of its two children. An example is shown in the figure below.

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An example of a Treap containing the integers 0,...,9. Each node, u, is illustrated as a box containing u.x,u.p
An example of a Treap containing the integers 0,...,9. Each node, u, is illustrated as a box containing u.x,u.p

The heap and binary search tree conditions together ensure that, once the key(x) and priority(p) for each node are defined, the shape of the Treap is completely determined. The heap property tells us that the node with minimum priority has to be the root, r, of the Treap. The binary search tree property tells us that all nodes with keys smaller than r.x are stored in the subtree rooted at r.left and all nodes with keys larger than r.x are stored in the subtree rooted at r.right.

The important point about the priority values in a Treap is that they are unique and assigned at random. Because of this, there are two equivalent ways we can think about a Treap. As defined above, a Treap obeys the heap and binary search tree properties. Alternatively, we can think of a Treap as a BinarySearchTree whose nodes were added in increasing order of priority. For example, the Treap in above figure can be obtained by adding the sequence of (x, p) values

<(3,1),(1,6),(0,9),(5,11),(4,14),(9,17),(7,22),(6,42),(8,49),(2,99)>\left< ( 3,1 \right), \left( 1,6 \right) , \left( 0,9 \right), \left( 5,11 \right), \left( 4,14 \right), \left( 9,17 \right), \left( 7,22 \right) , \left( 6,42 \right), \left( 8,49 \right), \left( 2,99) \right> ...