

Searching and Addition in B-Tree

Searching and Addition in B-Tree

Learn about search and addition in the B-trees.


The implementation of the find(x) operation, which is illustrated below generalizes the find(x) operation in a binary search tree. The search for x starts at the root and uses the keys stored at a node, u, to determine in which of u’s children the search should continue.

A successful search is shown below (for the value 44) and an unsuccessful search (for the value 16.516.5) in a B-tree. Shaded nodes show where the value of zz is updated during the searches.

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Searching in B-tree
Searching in B-tree

More specifically, at a node u, the search checks if x is stored in u.keys. If so, x has been found and the search is complete. Otherwise, the search finds the smallest integer, i, such that u.keys[i]>x\text{u.keys}[i] > x and continues the search in the subtree rooted at u.children[i]. If no key in u.keys is greater than x, then the search continues in u’s rightmost child. Just like binary search trees, the algorithm keeps track of the most recently seen key, z that is larger than x. In case xx is not found, z is returned as the smallest value that is greater or equal to x

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T find(T x) {
T z = null;
int ui = ri;
while (ui >= 0) {
Node * u = bs.readBlock(ui);
int i = findIt(u -> keys, x);
if (i < 0) return u -> keys[-(i + 1)]; // found it
if (u -> keys[i] != null)
z = u -> keys[i];
ui = u -> children[i];
return z;

Central to the find(x) method is the findIt(a,x) method that searches in a null-padded sorted array, a, for the value x.

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The execution of findIt(a,27)
The execution of findIt(a,27)

This method, illustrated in above illustration, works for any array, a, where a[0],...,a[k1]a[0],...,a[k −1] is a sequence of keys in sorted order and a[k],...,a[a.length1]a[k],...,a[\text{a.length}−1] are all set to null. If x is in the array at position i, then findIt(a,x) returns −i − 1. Otherwise, it returns the smallest index, i, such that a[i] > x or a[i] = null.

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int findIt(T[] a, T x) {
int lo = 0, hi = a.length;
while (hi != lo) {
int m = (hi + lo) / 2;
int cmp = a[m] == null ? -1 : compare(x, a[m]);
if (cmp < 0)
hi = m; // look in first half
else if (cmp > 0)
lo = m + 1; // look in second half
return -m - 1; // found it
return lo;

The findIt(a,x) method uses a binary search that halves the search space at each step, so it runs in O(log(a.length))O(\log(\text{a.length})) time. In our setting, a.length = 2B, so findIt(a,x) runs in O ...