Operations on SEList
Learn different operations supported by a space-efficient linked list.
We'll cover the following...
Finding elements
The first challenge we face with an SEList
is finding the list item with a given index i
. Note that the location of an element consists of two parts:
- The node
that contains the block that contains the element with indexi
- The index
of the element within its block
class Location {Node u;int j;Location(Node u, int j) {this->u = u;this->j = j;}}
To find the block that contains a particular element, we proceed the same way as we do in a DLList
. We either start at the front
of the list and traverse in the forward direction, or at the back
of the list and traverse backwards until we reach the node we want. The only difference is that, each time we move from one node to the next, we skip over a whole block of elements.
Location getLocation(int i) {if (i < n / 2) {Node u = dummy.next;while (i >= u->d->size()) {i -= u->d->size();u = u->next;}return new Location(u, i);} else {Node u = dummy;int idx = n;while (i < idx) {u = u->prev;idx -= u->d->size();}return new Location(u, i - idx);}}
Remember that, with the exception of at most one block, each block contains at least elements, so each step in our search gets us elements closer to the element we are looking for. If we are searching forward, this means that we reach the node we want after steps. If we search backwards, then we reach the node we want after steps. The algorithm takes the smaller of these two quantities depending on the value of i
, so the time to locate the item with index i
Once we know how to locate the item with index i
, the get(i)
and set(i, x)
operations translate into getting or setting a particular index in the correct block:
T get(int i) {Location l = getLocation(i);return l->u->d->get(l->j);}T set(int i, T x) {Location l = getLocation(i);T y = l->u->d->get(l->j);l->u->d->set(l->j, x);return y;}
The running times of these operations are dominated by the time it takes to locate the item, so they also run in time.
Adding an element
Adding elements to an SEList
is a little more complicated. Before considering the general case, we consider the easier operation, add(x)
, in which x
is added to the end of the list. If the last block is full (or does not exist because there are no blocks yet), then we first allocate a new block and append it to the list of blocks. Now that we are sure that the last block exists and is not full, we append x
to the last block.
boolean add(T x) {Node last = dummy.prev;if (last == dummy || last.d.size() == b + 1) {last = addBefore(dummy);}last.d.add(x);n++;return true;}
Things get more complicated when we add to the interior of the list using add(i, x)
. We first locate i
to get the node u
whose block contains the list item. The problem is that we want to insert x
into u
’s block, but we have to be prepared for the case where u
’s block already contains elements so that it is full and there is no room for x
Let denote u
, u.next
, u.next.next
, and so on. We explore ...