
Learn about quick-sort and partitioning algorithms.

The quicksort algorithm is another classic divide-and-conquer algorithm. Unlike merge-sort, which does merging after solving the two subproblems, quicksort does all of its work upfront.

Quicksort is simple to describe: pick a random pivot element, x, from a; partition a into the set of elements less than x, the set of elements equal to x, and the set of elements greater than x; and, finally, recursively sort the first and third sets in this partition.

Visual demonstration

An example is shown in figure.

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An example execution of quickSort(a,0,14,c)
An example execution of quickSort(a,0,14,c)

The implementation of the quickSort() method is as follows:

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quickSort(array<T> &a) {
quickSort(a, 0, a.length);
quickSort(array<T> &a, int i, int n) {
if (n <= 1) return;
T x = a[i + rand()%n];
int p = i-1, j = i, q = i+n;
// a[i..p]<x, a[p+1..q-1]??x, a[q..i+n-1]>x
while (j < q) {
int comp = compare(a[j], x);
if (comp < 0) { // move to beginning of array
a.swap(j++, ++p);
} else if (comp > 0) {
a.swap(j, --q); // move to end of array
} else {
j++; // keep in the middle
// a[i..p]<x, a[p+1..q-1]=x, a[q..i+n-1]>x
quickSort(a, i, p-i+1);
quickSort(a, q, n-(q-i));

All of this is done in place so that instead of making copies of subarrays being sorted, the quickSort(a, i, n) method only sorts the subarray a[i],...,a[i+n1]a[i],...,a[i + n − 1] ...

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