Creating Pull Requests

This lesson shows how we can create a pull request using the Jenkins X CLI.

What is the first thing a developer should do when starting to work on a new feature? If that developer is used to the “old processes”, they might wait until someone creates a set of branches, a few environments, infinite approvals, and a bunch of other silly things no one should need today. We already saw that creating a development environment is very easy and fast with DevPods. I’m going to ignore talking about the approvals, so the only thing left is branches.

Creating a branch

Today, no self-respecting developer needs others to create branches. Since we are not developing against a common “development” branch any more but using feature branches, we can create one ourselves and start developing a new feature.

Press + to interact
git checkout -b my-pr

We created a branch called my-pr.

We’ll skip the steps to create a personal project-specific development environment with DevPods. Instead, we’ll use the following commands to make a few simple changes. Our goal here is not to develop something complex, but rather to make just enough changes to help us distinguish the new from the old release while moving it through the process of creating a pull request and a preview environment.

Modifying the code

So, we’ll change our hello message to something else. I’ll save you from opening your favorite IDE and changing the code ...