

Synchronizing Code from a Laptop into a DevPod

Synchronizing Code from a Laptop into a DevPod

This lesson gives instructions to synchronize code from the DevPod to your local system and then build the application.

I hope that you liked the idea of using a browser-based IDE like Visual Studio Code. On the other hand, the chances are that you believe that it might be useful in some scenarios, but that the bulk of your development will be done using desktop-based IDE. In other words, I bet that you prefer to work with local files. If that’s the case, we need to figure out how to sync them with DevPod. But, before we do that, we’ll add a critical component to our development process. We’re missing tests, and that is, as I’m sure you already know, unacceptable.

Adding unit tests in Makefile

Given that we are using Makefile to specify our targets (at least when working with Go), that’s the place where we’ll add unit tests. I assume that you want to run unit tests every time you change your code and that you’ll leave slower types of tests (e.g., functional and integration tests) to Jenkins. If that’s not the case, you should have no problem extending our examples to run a broader set of validations.

⚠️ Remember what we said before about Makefile. It expects tabs as indentation. Please make sure that the command that follows is indeed using tabs and not spaces if you’re typing the commands instead of copying and pasting from the Gist.

Press + to interact
echo 'unittest:
test --run UnitTest -v
' | tee -a Makefile

We added a unittest target with go test command limited to functions that contain UnitTest in their names.

Modifying watch.sh

Next, we need to modify watch.sh so that it executes the new target.

Press + to interact
cat watch.sh |
sed -e \
's@linux \&\& skaffold@linux \&\& make unittest \&\& skaffold@g' \
| sed -e \
's@skaffold@UUID=$(uuidgen) skaffold@g' \
| tee watch.sh

Now that we ...