

What is Jenkins X Boot?

What is Jenkins X Boot?

This lesson introduces us to the concept of Jenkins X Boot and explains how it tackles the previous issues.

The current shortcomings

What’s wrong with jx create cluster and jx install commands? Why do we need a different way to install, manage, and upgrade Jenkins X? Those are ad-hoc commands that do not follow GitOpts principles.

  • They are not idempotent (you cannot run them multiple times and expect the same result).
  • They are not stored in Git, at least not in a form that the system can interpret and consume in an attempt to converge the desired into the actual state.
  • They are not declarative.

We know all those reasons. They are the same issues we’re trying to get rid of with other applications by implementing pipelines and declarative configurations and storing everything in Git. But, there is one more reason that we did not discuss yet.

The jx CLI contains a lot of custom-made code written specifically for Jenkins X.

Part of it, however, consists of wrappers. The jx create pullrequest command is a wrapper around hub. Similarly, jx create cluster is a wrapper around az (AKS), eksctl (EKS), gcloud (GKE), and a few others. That’s all great because jx allows us to have a single ...