/Getting Started with Applying GitOps Principles in Jenkins X
Getting Started with Applying GitOps Principles in Jenkins X
In this lesson, we look back on the exercises that we have done and determine if we have been applying GitOps principles.
We'll cover the following...
⚠️ At the time of this writing (February 2020), the examples in this chapter are validated only with serverless Jenkins X in GKE and EKS. Jenkins X Boot is currently verified by the community to work only there, even though it likely works in AKS and other Kubernetes flavors. Over time, the community will be adding support for all Kubernetes distributions, and, with a slight delay, I will be updating this chapter to reflect that. Still, there will be an inevitable delay between the progress of that support and me incorporating it into this book, so I strongly advise you to check the official documentation to see whether your Kubernetes flavor is added.
If there is a common theme in Jenkins X, that is GitOps. The platform was designed and built around the idea that:
- Everything is defined as code.
- Everything is stored in Git.
- Every change to the system is initiated by a Git webhook.
It’s a great concept, and we should ask ourselves whether we were applying it in all our examples. What do you ...